Alex understands the real heartbeat of India. He was born in a Christian home in Kerala, South India as a third generation born again Christian. At an early age, he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior. While attending the university for his BS Degree, he was actively involved in student ministry. After finishing his education, he was involved various types ministries in India.
Alex’s family moved to United States, but his heart continues to burn for his people back in India. In 1995 he founded a Bible Training center in Kerala India and founded Hope Ministries International. HMI gives its main focus to the evangelizing the many unreached villages of India. They are active in ministry through church planting, feeding the hungry, helping to equip the evangelists, and compassion services like after school programs, orphanages.
HMI is involved in 3 programs to reach the land of India and beyond: Evangelism and Church Planting, Leadership Development and Compassion Projects. Today HMI has over 30 church planters with over 15 house churches; 2 Bible schools with a total of over 50 students being trained; and many compassion projects including 2 orphanages caring for poor and needy children.
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