Hope Ministries India

  • Latest Ministry News

    We are planning for the next mission trip to India is  on October 07, 2017. If you or your church would like to go with us, please contact Bro. Alex at alex@hopeministriesindia.org

  • Orphanage Building Project – Second Phase

    Matthew 4:16 Asram We are urgently need to be completed the 2nd floor or orphanage building. The estimated cost for the project is $35000.00 Please let me know if you’d like to help with this last piece by designating your tax deductible gift for the Mathew 4:16 Asram(Orphanage building project in India). You can donate…

  • Upcoming Mission Trips Announced

    The 2017-18 Mission trip schedule is being formed now.  If you have considered joining a trip, contact us now. Upcoming Trips: Fall 2017:  October 7, 2017 Winter 2018:  January 2018 For more information about mission trips to India, see our Mission Trips page.